Wednesday Co-ed Beach League @ Riverside Park South: Late Summer 2024

Match Dates Aug 28 - Oct 10, 2024
Registration Ends Oct 9 9:00 PM
Team Registration
Starting at $1350.00 / team
Free-Agent Registration

Looking to play beach volleyball uptown in one of Manhattan's most beautiful locations? Then join us Wednesday evenings in Riverside Park South, conveniently located on the Upper West Side for our Co-Ed 6v6 Late Summer Beach season. Registration is open, but space is extremely limited so sign up today!

The season starts on August 28th.

6v6 Details

  • 1 court
  • 6 teams
  • Roster size 10-12 players per Free Agent Team
  • Co-Ed Rules require at least one female player and 4 males maximum on the court at all times


  • Season begins August 28th, 2024
  • Wednesday evenings
  • Start times are 6:00 pm, 6:45 pm, 7:15 pm
  • 6 matches + playoffs
  • 3 sets to 21

More Details

  • Big City will create teams of 12 players out of those who register as Free Agents (individual players). All pre-paid teams are responsible for the full team fee. Exceptions only apply to free-agent teams that do not get filled with free agents.
  • Last-minute subs or “ringers” on game night or additions to rosters will not be permitted due to Contact Tracing requirements unless you sign up a complete team.
  • Due to weather, teams may play double-headers some evenings.
  • Matches are played in all weather situations except thunder and lightning. If it looks like rain, bring a change of clothes.

Have friends who want to play with you too? No problem! Everyone should register and pay online as Free Agents (Individuals) then enter who you want to play with when you sign up and we’ll place you all together.

Registration Ends Oct 9 9:00 PM
Team Registration
Starting at $1350.00 / team
Free-Agent Registration
Riverside Park South